Monday, October 5, 2009

Sirsa - Day Thirteen

Three moments to share with you all real quick.

1. Sitting on the couch in the living room sipping tea with Laura awkwardly while the family (mother, father, son, father's cousin, father's cousin's wife) proceeded to yell loudly at each other in Punjabi. I couldn't help but laugh into my teacup at just how awkward it was.

2. Being stuck in traffic in town waiting for the train to go by and eating raw sugarcane from a street-vendor on the side of the road while watching people on mopeds and motorbikes going under the barricade and trying to beat the train across the tracks while traffic proceeded to pile up around us with no regard to lanes or direction.

3. Breaking the hoe on what I think was a large rock while trying desperately to uproot a bunch of iris's without cutting the roots in order to successfully transfer them to a plot across the yard.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Hahahahahahaaa! SO AWKWARD! Delightful. Thanks for your posts, Cameron. It's great to know what you and Laura are up to. I miss you two. I'm looking forward to more stories the next time I see you. Much love to you both, and thanks again for writing- Anni
